Asset Location History

Track location and status changes over time using Asset Location History. Collect historical data, visualize geographic movements, and set alerts to identify trends, and quantify process performance, and make improvements.

Track your assets based on their daily activities

With assets are constantly on the move, asset location history enables you to see where they’ve been based on position updates, status updates, and other activites performed throughout the day.

Date & Time Filters for Asset History

Filter by key dates or times of day to closely analyze historical movements and status changes.

Street and Satellite Map Views

Visualize location history in meaningful context by toggling on different map layers, like street, satellite, and topographical views.

Set alerts based on your asset’s last known location

Receive email or text alerts when an asset hasn’t been where it’s supposed to have been, allowing you to respond and take action quickly.

Custom Geofences For Areas of Interest

Define geofences for known areas of interest, and color-code them to indicate what’s allowed and what’s off-limits.

Entry and Exit Notifications

Trigger alerts when assets have entered, exited, or spent too much time in a geofence. Acknowledge alerts and dispatch personnel to respond.

Explore Our Features

Enabling feature modules is easy and simple. No code is required, just configure your blueprints in Architect to include the feature you want

Multi-Floor Mapping

Track your assets across multi-floor buildings, garages, and other indoor structures with Multi-Floor Mapping. Create your floors, rooms, and zones, and easily deploy and configure your supporting hardware to complete your setup.

Rapid Search & Filtering

Find the important things right away using our search and filter features. Block out the noise and reduce the complexity of all your data by offering a clean yet powerful search interface for users to quickly identify what they’re looking for.

User Management

Ensure teams have access to what they need to get their job done with User Management. Create accounts, assign roles, configure granular permissions, and integrate with your existing identify provider to manage your users from end-to-end.