Intuitive Asset Pairing

Organize and deploy your asset trackers without hassle using Intuitive Asset Pairing. Scan-based, search-based, and bulk pairing options give you flexibility to rapidly install devices in a way that fits your organization.

Search & Scan-based Pairing

Whether you’re in the office or in the field, efficiently identify the assets and trackers to pair with an interface built for both desktop and mobile form factors.

Flexible Search Capabilities

Input IDs, names, or partial search terms to hone in on the desired asset or tracker.

Scan a Wide Range of Barcode Formats

Take advantage of 1D & 2D barcode identifiers on assets and trackers to quickly populate IDs using scan guns or the camera on your mobile device.

Bulk Pair to Manage High-Volume Assets

Manage and install trackers on large quantities of assets by pairing in bulk.

Intuitive Bulk Pairing Template

Fill out and upload a simple spreadsheet with the desired pairings, monitor progress, and review the results of the process.

Rapid Deployment of New Locations

Receive your trackers, import your assets, and set your pairings to get your location up and running in record time.

Explore Our Features

Enabling feature modules is easy and simple. No code is required, just configure your blueprints in Architect to include the feature you want

Multi-Floor Mapping

Track your assets across multi-floor buildings, garages, and other indoor structures with Multi-Floor Mapping. Create your floors, rooms, and zones, and easily deploy and configure your supporting hardware to complete your setup.

Asset Location History

Track location and status changes over time using Asset Location History. Collect historical data, visualize geographic movements, and set alerts to identify trends, and quantify process performance, and make improvements.

Rapid Search & Filtering

Find the important things right away using our search and filter features. Block out the noise and reduce the complexity of all your data by offering a clean yet powerful search interface for users to quickly identify what they’re looking for.