Application Templates Gallery

Shipment Monitoring for Shippers

Shipments can be worth tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but issues like fraud, tampering, theft, and outright loss are all too common and shippers don’t have the tools to prevent these issues. The Leverege Shipment Monitoring solution empowers shippers with alerts for compromised shipments and with reliable location that doesn’t require driver opt-in, preventing losses and increasing efficiency.

Get Notified for Tampering of Shipments

Receive Alerts as Soon as Tampering Occurs

Get notified when and where a container’s seal is broken, allowing you to pinpoint any goods tampering. Learn where issues are occurring to take action and prevent future issues and losses.

Get Real-time Location for All Your Shipments

Proactively Identify Delays and See Exactly Where Your Shipments Are Located

Estimate accurate delivery times and ensure shipments are on track to reach their destination.

Never Lose a Shipment Again

With automatic, real-time location it becomes nearly impossible to lose a shipment, protecting you from unnecessary losses.

Replace Outdated Tracking Methods

Improve Real-time Location Reliability

Instead of having carriers opt-in and relying on driver’s mobile phones, always get real-time, reliable location with a dedicated device that doesn’t require opt-in.

Mitigate Fraud

You care about the shipment, but most carriers can only provide the location of the truck which means fraudsters can put the shipment on a different truck without your knowledge. Tracking the shipping container directly solves this problem.

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